Monday, December 5, 2011

FileZilla FTP Client fails through BlueCoat Proxy


When using FileZilla FTP client through a bluecoat proxy, the FTP connection attempt fails with the below error message:

Status: Using proxy
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 Blue Coat FTP Service
Command: USER ftpuser@targetftpsite
Response: 331 Enter password.
Command: PASS ********
Response: 332 Enter proxy password.
Error: Login sequence fully executed yet not logged in. Aborting.
Error: Server might require an account. Try specifying an account using the Site Manager
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server

  • FileZilla FTP Client v3.5.2
  • The LAN proxy server is a BlueCoat proxy server


1. Go to FileZilla Client > Edit > Settings

2. In Connection > FTP > FTP Proxy

            2.1. Click on Custom and do the following:
            2.2. Under Custom, enter the following:
                                    USER %u@%h
                                    PASS %p
                                    ACCT %a
            2.3. Proxy host: <your_bluecoat_proxy_server>

3. Click OK.
