Below are the details about the web server that will be proxied by the NetApp C6200.
- Hostname : myWebServer01
- IpAddress :
- Public URL:
- Public IP :
- DNS - Ensure that the DNS server resolves the URL to the NetCache appliance IP address (see below)
- Accelerator IP Address - either the assigned IP address OR the aliased IP address of the NetCache appliance
- Actual Server IP address
Note: In each page, ensure to click "Commit Changes" button in order to apply the changes.
- In Setup -> Network -> Interfaces, verify that the public IP address to use is configured as either the primary (Appliance Manager Primary IP address) or the alias(Appliance Manager Aliases) IP address.
- In Setup -> HTTP -> General, configure the following:
- Check Enable HTTP services option.
- Under the HTTP ACL, ensure that the server IP address is permitted:
allow server-ip - HTTP Proxy PortsUsually, this is configured to port 80, the default HTTP port.
- In Setup -> HTTP -> Web Server Acceleration, General tab, configure the following:
- Check Enables the Web accelerator function of the appliance option.
- Under the Web Server Accelerator ACL, ensure that the server IP address is permitted:
allow server-ip
- Configure a new accelerator rule in Setup -> HTTP -> Web Server Acceleration -> Acceleration Rules, New Rule button.
For this scenario, you would have the following:Accelerator Web Server IP Port Host Path IP Port Host Path 80 * 80 myWebServer01 *
Alternate Rule: You can use wildcards / asterisk, in case the webserver has multiple URLs.Accelerator Web Server IP Port Host Path IP Port Host Path 80 * * 80 * *
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