Friday, July 25, 2008

NetApp C6200: Configuring HTTP Acceleration

The NetCache NetApp C6200 appliance can be configured for web acceleration, aka reverse proxy. The following are the bare minimum steps to configure HTTP acceleration on this device.

Below are the details about the web server that will be proxied by the NetApp C6200.
  • Hostname : myWebServer01

  • IpAddress :

  • Public URL:

  • Public IP :

  • DNS - Ensure that the DNS server resolves the URL to the NetCache appliance IP address (see below)

  • Accelerator IP Address - either the assigned IP address OR the aliased IP address of the NetCache appliance

  • Actual Server IP address

Note: In each page, ensure to click "Commit Changes" button in order to apply the changes.
  1. In Setup -> Network -> Interfaces, verify that the public IP address to use is configured as either the primary (Appliance Manager Primary IP address) or the alias(Appliance Manager Aliases) IP address.

  2. In Setup -> HTTP -> General, configure the following:
    • Check Enable HTTP services option.

    • Under the HTTP ACL, ensure that the server IP address is permitted:

      allow server-ip

    • HTTP Proxy PortsUsually, this is configured to port 80, the default HTTP port.

  3. In Setup -> HTTP -> Web Server Acceleration, General tab, configure the following:

    • Check Enables the Web accelerator function of the appliance option.

    • Under the Web Server Accelerator ACL, ensure that the server IP address is permitted:

      allow server-ip

  4. Configure a new accelerator rule in Setup -> HTTP -> Web Server Acceleration -> Acceleration Rules, New Rule button.

    For this scenario, you would have the following:
    AcceleratorWeb Server

    Alternate Rule: You can use wildcards / asterisk, in case the webserver has multiple URLs.
    AcceleratorWeb Server

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