Wednesday, November 25, 2009

F5 BIGIP: Verify/Restart SNMP Daemon

Just in case you need to check the status and/or restart the SNMP daemon of the bigip (i.e., because it has stopped responding to SNMP polling), enter the following commands via the CLI:

For BIGIP v4
  1. Check the SNMP daemon status:
    /etc/bigstart/status/S40snmpd status

    The correct output should be:
    Status snmpd: (pid xxxxx) is running
    Status bigsnmpd: (pid yyyyy) is running
    Status rlxsnmpd: is not running

  2. If the result is different from above (i.e., bigsnmpd is not running), restart the SNMP daemon:
    /etc/bigstart/status/S40snmpd restart

For BIGIP v9
  1. Check the current status of the SNMP daemon:
    bigstart status snmpd

  2. Restart the SNMP daemon
    bigstart restart snmpd

  3. Verify status of the SNMP daemon:
    bigstart status snmpd

  4. Example:
    [root@bigip:Active]~# bigstart status snmpd
    snmpd run (pid 12707) 90 days, 1 start
    [root@bigip:Active]~# bigstart restart snmpd
    [root@bigip:Active]~# bigstart status snmpd
    snmpd run (pid 4822) 6 seconds, 2 starts

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