Apple iOS OTA (over-the-air) update is not proxy-aware.
To check if using proxy, go to Settings > Wi-Fi > the name wifi network, and scroll down to HTTP Proxy.
Workaround: use other methods to update (such as using wired connection iTunes).
Mar 12 06:54:04.731: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client ABCD.EFGH.IJKL reached max retries, removing the clientThis happens usually during the following situations:
Mar 12 06:54:04.731: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station ABCD.EFGH.IJKL Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
Mar 12 06:54:04.738: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client ABCD.EFGH.IJKL reached max retries, removing the client