The device getting numerous %SSH-3-PRIVATEKEY syslogs, usually followed by a traceback such as the following:
Nov 7 02:40:49.542 GMT: %SSH-3-PRIVATEKEY: Unable to retrieve RSA private key for
-Process= "SSH Process", ipl= 0, pid= 148
-Traceback= 61D48360 61D44B24 61D462C4 6053BD88 6053BD6C
Nov 8 02:16:22.452 GMT: %SSH-3-PRIVATEKEY: Unable to retrieve RSA private key for
-Process= "SSH Process", ipl= 0, pid= 148
-Traceback= 61D48360 61D44B24 61D462C4 6053BD88 6053BD6C
Often seen if hostname or domain name of the router has been changed.
- Remove existing RSA Key:
crypto key zeroize rsa - Gnerate RSA key with the following commands:
show crypto key mypubkey rsa
crypto key gen rsa general-keys label label
ip ssh rsa keypair-name label
where label = unique label/identifier
Awwesome. Thanks for this. Really worked
I encountered this problem and the workaround indeed worked.
I never had to gen the crypto key with a label before. But for whatever reason, without the keywords "general-keys" and "label" I was keep getting the error as mentioned.
Thanks for saved me! :)
you sir, are a life saver!!! Thanks for posting.
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